* Return the run framework
* @throws Exception
public Collection<Container> getRunFw() throws Exception {
justInTime(runfw, parseRunFw(), false, RUNFW);
return runfw;
private List<Container> parseRunFw() throws Exception {
return getBundles(Strategy.HIGHEST, getProperty(Constants.RUNFW), Constants.RUNFW);
doPath(buildpath, dependencies, parseBuildpath(), bootclasspath, false, BUILDPATH);
doPath(testpath, dependencies, parseTestpath(), bootclasspath, false, TESTPATH);
if (!delayRunDependencies) {
doPath(runfw, dependencies, parseRunFw(), null, false, RUNFW);
doPath(runpath, dependencies, parseRunpath(), null, false, RUNPATH);
doPath(runbundles, dependencies, parseRunbundles(), null, true, RUNBUNDLES);
private Requirement getFrameworkRequirement() {
String header = properties.getProperty(Constants.RUNFW);
if (header == null)
return null;
// Get the identity and version of the requested JAR
Parameters params = new Parameters(header);
if (params.size() > 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot specify more than one OSGi Framework.");
Entry<String,Attrs> entry = params.entrySet().iterator().next();
String identity = entry.getKey();
String versionStr = entry.getValue().getVersion();
// Construct a filter & requirement to find matches
Filter filter = new SimpleFilter(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, identity);
if (versionStr != null)
filter = new AndFilter().addChild(filter).addChild(new LiteralFilter(Filters.fromVersionRange(versionStr)));
Requirement frameworkReq = new CapReqBuilder(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE).addDirective(
Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, filter.toString()).buildSyntheticRequirement();
return frameworkReq;
* Collect all the aspect from the project and set the local fields from
* them. Should be called
* @throws Exception
protected void updateFromProject() throws Exception {
// pkr: could not use this because this is killing the runtests.
// project.refresh();
Collection<Container> run = project.getRunbundles();
for (Container container : run) {
File file = container.getFile();
if (file != null && (file.isFile() || file.isDirectory())) {
} else {
error("Bundle file \"%s\" does not exist, given error is %s", file, container.getError());
if (project.getRunBuilds()) {
File[] builds = project.build();
if (builds != null)
for (File file : builds)
Collection<Container> runpath = project.getRunpath();
runsystempackages = new Parameters( project.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNSYSTEMPACKAGES));
runsystemcapabilities = project.mergeProperties(Constants.RUNSYSTEMCAPABILITIES);
framework = getRunframework(project.getProperty(Constants.RUNFRAMEWORK));
timeout = Processor.getDuration(project.getProperty(Constants.RUNTIMEOUT), 0);
trace = Processor.isTrue(project.getProperty(Constants.RUNTRACE));
for (Container c : runpath) {
runproperties = project.getRunProperties();
storageDir = project.getRunStorage();
if (storageDir == null) {
storageDir = new File(project.getTarget(), "fw");