private Framework createFramework() throws Exception {
Properties p = new Properties();
File workingdir = null;
if (parms.storageDir != null)
workingdir = parms.storageDir;
else if (parms.keep && != null) {
workingdir = new File(bnd,;
if (workingdir == null) {
workingdir = File.createTempFile("osgi.", ".fw");
final File wd = workingdir;
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("launcher::delete temp working dir") {
public void run() {
trace("using working dir: %s", workingdir);
if (!parms.keep && workingdir.exists()) {
trace("deleting working dir %s because not kept", workingdir);
p.setProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN, "true");
if (!workingdir.exists() && !workingdir.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + workingdir);
if (!workingdir.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a working dir: " + workingdir);
p.setProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, workingdir.getAbsolutePath());
if (parms.systemPackages != null) {
p.setProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, parms.systemPackages);
trace("system packages used: %s", parms.systemPackages);
if (parms.systemCapabilities != null) {
p.setProperty(FRAMEWORK_SYSTEM_CAPABILITIES_EXTRA, parms.systemCapabilities);
trace("system capabilities used: %s", parms.systemCapabilities);
Framework systemBundle;
if ( {
trace("using META-INF/services");
// 3) framework = null, lookup in META-INF/services
ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();
// 3) Lookup in META-INF/services
List<String> implementations = getMetaInfServices(loader, FrameworkFactory.class.getName());
if (implementations.size() == 0)
error("Found no fw implementation");
if (implementations.size() > 1)
error("Found more than one framework implementations: %s", implementations);
String implementation = implementations.get(0);
Class< ? > clazz = loader.loadClass(implementation);
FrameworkFactory factory = (FrameworkFactory) clazz.newInstance();
trace("Framework factory %s", factory);
Map<String,String> configuration = (Map) p;
systemBundle = factory.newFramework(configuration);
trace("framework instance %s", systemBundle);
} else {
trace("using embedded mini framework because we were told not to use META-INF/services");
// we have to use our own dummy framework
systemBundle = new MiniFramework(p);
try {
systemBundle.getBundleContext().addFrameworkListener(new FrameworkListener() {
public void frameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent event) {
switch (event.getType()) {
case FrameworkEvent.ERROR :
case FrameworkEvent.WAIT_TIMEDOUT :
trace("Refresh will end due to error or timeout %s", event.toString());
case FrameworkEvent.PACKAGES_REFRESHED :
inrefresh = false;
trace("refresh ended");
catch (Exception e) {
trace("could not register a framework listener: %s", e);
trace("inited system bundle %s", systemBundle);
return systemBundle;