enroute ...
biz.aQute.bnd (master)$ bnd enroute help
OSGi enRoute Commands
Available sub-commands:
workspace -
biz.aQute.bnd (master)$ bnd enroute help workspace
workspace - Create a workspace in the base directory
(working directory or set with bnd -b ).
The name of the workspace should be a Bundle
Symbolic Name type (like com.example.whatever).
If another type of name is necessary you can
override it with –anyname. Two directories will
be created. One for the bndworkspace and the
other for the eclipse workspace. Having two
directories makes life a loteasier when you use
git, it allows you to clear the bnd workspace
with ‘git clean -fdx’ withoutkilling any
personal Eclipse data. It also prevents you from
accidentally storing thispersonal data in git.
If you know better, use –single to let these
workspaces overlap.
The directory for the workspaces must be empty unless you specify –update or
–force.%nThis template will also install a gradle build system and a travis
continuous integrationcontrol file.%nA workspace cannot be created at the root
of a file system. The general layout of thefile system is%n%n%n ../wss/%n
com.acme.prime/%n .metadata/%n ….%n scm/%n cnf/%n build.bnd%n ….%n
workspace [options]
[ -a, –anyname ] - In general a workspace should follow the rules
for Bundle Symbolic%nNames. If this option is
set any name (including one with file
seperators) is fine.
[ -f, –force ] - Update a workspace overwrite all existing files.
[ -s, –single ] - Create a single workspace for the Eclipse
workspace and the bnd workspace. This is not
recommended because if you fully clean the
directory you delete Eclipse metadata.
[ -u, –update ] - Existing files are updated when they are older
than the ones in the template