layout: default
* <p>
* Generates a Capability string, in the format specified by the OSGi
* Provide-Capability header, representing the current native platform
* according to OSGi RFC 188. For example on Windows7 running on an x86_64
* processor it should generate the following:
* </p>
* <pre>
* osgi.native;osgi.native.osname:List<String>="Windows7,Windows 7,Win32";osgi.native.osversion:Version=6.1.0;osgi.native.processor:List<String>="x86-64,amd64,em64t,x86_64"
* </pre>
* @param args
* The array of properties. For example: the macro invocation of
* "${native_capability;osversion=3.2.4;osname=Linux}" results in
* an args array of
* [native_capability, osversion=3.2.4, osname=Linux]
public String _native_capability(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append(OSGI_NATIVE);
String processorNames = null;
OSInformation osInformation = null;
IllegalArgumentException osInformationException = null;
* Determine the processor information
String[] aliases = OSInformation.getProcessorAliases(System.getProperty("os.arch"));
if (aliases != null)
processorNames = Strings.join(aliases);
* Determine the OS information
try {
osInformation = new OSInformation();
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
osInformationException = e;
* Determine overrides
String osnameOverride = null;
Version osversionOverride = null;
String processorNamesOverride = null;
if (args.length > 1) {
assert ("native_capability".equals(args[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i];
String[] fields = arg.split("=", 2);
if (fields.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal property syntax in \"" + arg + "\", use \"key=value\"");
String key = fields[0];
String value = fields[1];
if (OS_NAME.equals(key)) {
osnameOverride = value;
} else if (OS_VERSION.equals(key)) {
osversionOverride = new Version(value);
} else if (OS_PROCESSOR.equals(key)) {
processorNamesOverride = value;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised/unsupported property. Supported: " + OS_NAME
+ ", " + OS_VERSION + ", " + OS_PROCESSOR + ".");
* Determine effective values: put determined value into override if
* there is no override
if (osnameOverride == null && osInformation != null) {
osnameOverride = osInformation.osnames;
if (osversionOverride == null && osInformation != null) {
osversionOverride = osInformation.osversion;
if (processorNamesOverride == null && processorNames != null) {
processorNamesOverride = processorNames;
* Construct result string
builder.append(";" + OSGI_NATIVE + "." + OS_NAME + ":List<String>=\"").append(osnameOverride).append('"');
builder.append(";" + OSGI_NATIVE + "." + OS_VERSION + ":Version=").append(osversionOverride);
builder.append(";" + OSGI_NATIVE + "." + OS_PROCESSOR + ":List<String>=\"").append(processorNamesOverride)
* Report error if needed
if (osnameOverride == null || osversionOverride == null || processorNamesOverride == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"At least one of the required parameters could not be detected; specify an override. Detected: "
+ builder.toString(), osInformationException);
return builder.toString();