layout: default
* #388 Manifest header to get GIT head Get the head commit number. Look
* for a .git/HEAD file, going up in the file hierarchy. Then get this file,
* and resolve any symbolic reference.
* @throws IOException
static Pattern GITREF = Pattern.compile("ref:\\s*(refs/(heads|tags|remotes)/([^\\s]+))\\s*");
static String _githeadHelp = "${githead}, provide the SHA for the current git head";
public String _githead(String[] args) throws IOException {
Macro.verifyCommand(args, _githeadHelp, null, 1, 1);
// Locate the .git directory
File rover = getBase();
while (rover !=null && rover.isDirectory()) {
File headFile = IO.getFile(rover, ".git/HEAD");
if (headFile.isFile()) {
// The head is either a symref (ref: refs/(heads|tags|remotes)/<name>)
String head = IO.collect(headFile).trim();
if (!Hex.isHex(head)) {
// Should be a symref
Matcher m = GITREF.matcher(head);
if (m.matches()) {
// so the commit is in the following path
head = IO.collect(IO.getFile(rover, ".git/" +;
else {
error("Git repo seems corrupt. It exists, find the HEAD but the content is neither hex nor a sym-ref: %s",
return head.trim().toUpperCase();
rover = rover.getParentFile();
// Cannot find git directory
return "";