package aQute.bnd.osgi;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.osgi.namespace.contract.*;
import aQute.bnd.header.*;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Descriptors.PackageRef;
import aQute.bnd.version.*;
import aQute.lib.collections.*;
import aQute.service.reporter.Report.Location;
* OSGi Contracts are first defined in OSGi Enterprise Release 5.0.0. A Contract
* is a namespace to control the versioning of a set of packages.
* @author aqute
class Contracts {
private Analyzer analyzer;
private final MultiMap<PackageRef,Contract> contracted = new MultiMap<PackageRef,Contract>(
Contract.class, true);
private MultiMap<Collection<Contract>,PackageRef> overlappingContracts = new MultiMap<Collection<Contract>,PackageRef>();
private Instructions instructions;
private final Set<Contract> contracts = new HashSet<Contract>();
public class Contract {
public String name;
public Attrs decorators;
public Collection<String> uses;
public Version version;
public String from;
public String toString() {
return "Contract [name=" + name + ";version=" + version + ";from=" + from + "]";
public Contracts(Analyzer analyzer) {
this.analyzer = analyzer;
Instructions getFilter() {
if (instructions == null) {
String contract = analyzer.getProperty(Constants.CONTRACT);
this.instructions = new Instructions(contract);
return instructions;
public void clear() {
* Collect contracts will take a domain and find any declared contracts.
* This happens early so that we have a list of contracts we can later
* compare the imports against.
void collectContracts(String from, Parameters pcs) {
contract: for (Entry<String,Attrs> p : pcs.entrySet()) {
String namespace = p.getKey();
if (namespace.equals(ContractNamespace.CONTRACT_NAMESPACE)) {
Attrs capabilityAttrs = p.getValue();
String name = capabilityAttrs.get(ContractNamespace.CONTRACT_NAMESPACE);
if (name == null) {
analyzer.warning("No name (attr %s) defined in bundle %s from contract namespace: %s",
ContractNamespace.CONTRACT_NAMESPACE, from, capabilityAttrs);
continue contract;
for (Entry<Instruction,Attrs> i : getFilter().entrySet()) {
Instruction instruction = i.getKey();
if (instruction.matches(name)) {
if (instruction.isNegated()) {
analyzer.trace("%s rejected due to %s", namespace, instructions);
continue contract;
analyzer.trace("accepted %s", p);
Contract c = new Contract(); = name;
String list = capabilityAttrs.get(ContractNamespace.CAPABILITY_USES_DIRECTIVE + ":");
if (list == null || list.length() == 0) {
analyzer.warning("Contract %s has no uses: directive in %s.", name, from);
continue contract; // next contract
c.uses = Processor.split(list);
c.version = (Version) capabilityAttrs.getTyped(ContractNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
c.from = from;
if (c.version == null) {
c.version = Version.LOWEST;
analyzer.warning("%s does not declare a version, assumed 0.0.0.", c);
c.decorators = new Attrs(i.getValue());
// Build up the package -> contract index
for (String pname : c.uses) {
contracted.add(analyzer.getPackageRef(pname), c);
* Find out if a package is contracted. If there are multiple contracts for
* a package we remember this so we can generate a single error.
* @param packageRef
* @return
boolean isContracted(PackageRef packageRef) {
List<Contract> list = contracted.get(packageRef);
if (list == null || list.isEmpty())
return false;
if (list.size() > 1) {
// There are multiple contracts trying to address
// this package. We collect those so we can report them
// as one error instead of one for each package
overlappingContracts.add(list, packageRef);
return true;
* Called before we print the manifest. Should add any contracts that were
* actually used to the requirements.
* @param requirements
void addToRequirements(Parameters requirements) {
for (Contract c : contracts) {
Attrs attrs = new Attrs(c.decorators);
String range = analyzer.applyVersionPolicy(c.version.toString(), c.decorators.getVersion(), false);
String name = ContractNamespace.CONTRACT_NAMESPACE;
while (requirements.containsKey(name))
name += "~";
VersionRange r = new VersionRange(range);
Formatter f = new Formatter();
try {
f.format("(&(%s=%s)%s)", ContractNamespace.CONTRACT_NAMESPACE,, r.toFilter());
// TODO : shall we also assert the attributes?
attrs.put("filter:", f.toString());
requirements.put(name, attrs);
finally {
for (Entry<Collection<Contract>,List<PackageRef>> oc : overlappingContracts.entrySet()) {
Location location = analyzer
.error("Contracts %s declare the same packages in their uses: directive: %s. "
+ "Contracts are found in declaring bundles (see their 'from' field), it is possible to control the finding"
+ "with the -contract instruction", oc.getKey(), oc.getValue()).location();
location.header = Constants.CONTRACT;