// We might have some other projects we want build
// before we do anything, but these projects are not in
// our path. The -dependson allows you to build them before.
// The values are possibly negated globbing patterns.
// dependencies.add( getWorkspace().getProject("cnf"));
String dp = getProperty(Constants.DEPENDSON);
Set<String> requiredProjectNames = new LinkedHashSet<String>(new Parameters(dp).keySet());
// Allow DependencyConstributors to modify
// requiredProjectNames
List<DependencyContributor> dcs = getPlugins(DependencyContributor.class);
for (DependencyContributor dc : dcs)
dc.addDependencies(this, requiredProjectNames);
Instructions is = new Instructions(requiredProjectNames);
Set<Instruction> unused = new HashSet<Instruction>();
Collection<Project> projects = getWorkspace().getAllProjects();
Collection<Project> dependencies = is.select(projects, unused, false);
for (Instruction u : unused)