Macro Index
apply ';' MACRO (';' LIST)* Convert a list to an invoction with arguments
average (';' LIST )* The average of a list, if no members exception is thrown
basedir Get the basedirectory of this processor
basename ( ';' FILEPATH ) + A list of the basename (the final part) of a set of file paths.
bsn Provide the current bsn when a JAR is generated. This can differ from the Project's bsn when there are sub-bundles.
cat ';' FILEPATH The contents of a file
classes ( ; QUERY ( ; PATTERN )? )* A list of class names filtered by a query language
compare NUMBER NUMBER Compare two numbers. 0 is equal, 1 means a > b, -1 is a < b.
currenttime The current epoch time in long integer format
def ';' KEY (';' STRING)? The value of the specified property name or a default if macro is not defined. The default is an empty string if not specified.
driver ( ';' NAME )? the driver of the environment (e.g. gradle, eclipse, intellij)
ee The name of the highest execution environment found in the current JAR
endswith ';' STRING ';' SUFFIX Check if the given string ends with the given prefix
env ';' KEY (';' STRING)? The given environment variable or a default if the environment variable is not defined. The default is an empty string if not specified.
error ( ';' STRING )* Raise an error consisting of all concatenated strings
exporters ';' PACKAGE The list of jars that export the given package
exports A list if exported packages
extension STRING The extension of the given string (the part after the '.') or empty
fileuri ';' PATH Return a file uri for the specified path. Relative paths are resolved against the processor base.
filter ';' LIST ';' REGEX Filters entries in a list that matching a regular expression
find ';' VALUE ';' SEARCHED The starting position ofof SEARCHED (not a regex) in VALUE
findfile ';' PATH ( ';' FILTER ) A filtered list of relative paths from a directory and its subdirectories
find ';' VALUE ';' SEARCHED The starting position of SEARCHED (not a regex) in VALUE when searching from the end
findname ';' PATH ( ';' FILTER ) A list of filtered by name resource paths with optional replacement
findpath ';' REGEX ( ';' REPLACE )? A list of filtered by path resource paths with optional replacement
first (';' LIST )* First element of a list
fmodified ( ';' RESOURCE )+ Latest modification date of a list of resources
foreach ';' MACRO (';' LIST)* Iterator over a list, calling a macro with the value and index
format ';' STRING (';' ANY )* Print a formatted string, automatically converting variables to the specified format if possible.
frange ';' VERSION ( ';' BOOLEAN )? a range expression for a filter from a version. By default this is based on consumer compatibility. You can specify a third argument (true) to get provider compatibility.
gestalt ';' NAME ( ';' NAME (';' ANY )? )? provides access to the gestalt properties that describe the environment.
get ';' INDEX (';' LIST )* The element from the concatenated lists at the given index
githead Get the head commit number. Look for a .git/HEAD file, going up in the file hierarchy. Then get this file, and resolve any symbolic reference.
if ';' STRING ';' STRING ( ';' STRING )? Conditional macro that depending on a condition returns either a value for true or optionally for false.
imports A list of the currently imported package names
indexof ';' STRING (';' LIST )* The index of the given string in the list, or -1 if not found
is ( ';' ANY )* Check if the given values are all equal
isdir ( ';' FILE )+ True if all given files are directories, false if no file arguments
isempty ( ';' STRING )* True if all given strings are empty
isfile (';' FILE )+ Returns true if all given files actually exist and are not a directory or special file.
isnumber ( ';' STRING )* Check if the given strings are numbers
join ( ';' LIST )+ Join a number of list/values into a single list
js (';' JAVASCRIPT )* Execute Javascript, return the value of the last expression
last (';' LIST )* Last element of a list
find ';' VALUE ';' SEARCHED The starting position ofof SEARCHED (not a regex) in VALUE
lastindexof ';' STRING (';' LIST )* The last index of the given string in the list, or -1 if not found
length STRING The length of the given string
list (';' KEY)* Returns a list of the values of the named properties with escaped semicolons.
literal ';' STRING A literal value for the macro, i.e. it surrounds the value with the macro prefix and suffix.
long2date Turn a long time into a date
lsa ';' DIR (';' SELECTORS ) A list of absolute paths for files in the given directory optionally filtered by selectors.
lsr ';' DIR (';' SELECTORS ) A list of file names in the given directory optionally filtered by selectors.
map ';' MACRO (';' LIST)* Map a list to a new list using a function
matches STRING REGEX Check if the given string matches the regular expression
maven_version ';' MAVEN-VERSION Cleanup a potential maven version to make it match an OSGi Version syntax.
max (';' LIST )* Maximum (string compared) element of a list
md5 ';' RESOURCE The MD5 digest of an existing resource in the JAR
min (';' LIST )* Minimum (string compared) element of a list
native_capability ( ';' ( '' | 'os.version' | 'os.processor' ) '=' STRING )* Create a Require-Capability header based on the current platform or explicit values
compare STRING STRING Compare two strings. 0 is equal, 1 means a > b, -1 is a < b.
nmax (';' LIST )* Maximum (numerically compared) element of a list
nmin (';' LIST )* Minimum (numerically compared) element of a list
now ( 'long' | DATEFORMAT ) Current date and time, default is default Date format. The format can be specified as a long or a date format.
nsort (';' LIST )+ Concatenate a set of lists and sort their contents nummerically
osfile ';' DIR ';' NAME Create a path to a file in OS dependent form.
p_allsourcepath Path to all sources
p_bootclasspath The project's boot class path
p_buildpath The project's buildpath
p_dependson Provides a list of project names this project depends on
p_output The absolute path to the project's output/target directory
p_sourcepath The path to the project's source directory.
p_testpath The path of JARs placed on the remote VM's classpath for testing
packageattribute ';' PACKAGE (';' ATTRIBUTE)? The value of a package attribute
packages A list of package names filtered by a query language
path ( ';' FILES )+ A list of file paths separated by the platform's path separator.
pathseparator The platform's path separator
permissions (';' ( 'packages' | 'admin' | 'permissions' ) )+ A file in the format for the OSGi permissions resource.
rand (';' MIN ' (;' MAX )?)? A random number between 0 and 100, or between the given range (inclusive).
random Generate a random string, which is guaranteed to be a valid Java identifier
range ';' RANGE_MASK ( ';' VERSION ) Create a semantic version range out of a version using a mask to control the bump of the ceiling
reject ';' LIST ';' REGEX Rejects a list by matching it against a regular expression
replace ';' LIST ';' REGEX (';' STRING (';' STRING)? )? Replace elements in a list when it matches a regular expression
replacelist ';' LIST ';' REGEX (';' STRING (';' STRING)? )? Replace elements in a list when it matches a regular expression
replacestring ';' STRING ';' REGEX (';' STRING )? Replace elements in a string when it matches a regular expression
repodigests ( ';' NAME )* Get the repository digests (describing their contents) for all or the specified names
repos A list of the current repositories
reverse (';' LIST )* A reversed list
select ';' LIST ';' REGEX Selects entries in a list that matching a regular expression
separator The platform file separator
sha1 ';' RESOURCE The SHA-1 digest of an existing resource in the JAR
size ( ';' LIST )* Count the number of elements (of all collections combined)
sjoin ';' SEPARATOR ( ';' LIST )+ Join a number of list/values into a single list with a given separator
sort (';' LIST )+ Concatenate a set of lists and sort their contents on their string value
split ';' REGEX (';' STRING )* Split a number of strings into a list using a regular expression
startswith ';' STRING ';' PREFIX Check if the given string starts with the given prefix
sublist ';' START ';' END (';' LIST )* Return a sublist of the list
subst ';' STRING ';' REGEX (';' STRING (';' NUMBER )? )? Substitute all the regex matches in the target for the given value; if a count is specified, limit the number of replacements to that count.
substring ';' STRING ';' START ( ';' END )? Return a substring of a given string, negative indexes allowed
sum (';' LIST )* The sum of a list
system ';' STRING ( ';' STRING )? Execute a system command
system_allow_fail ';' STRING ( ';' STRING )? Execute a system command but ignore any failures
toclasspath ';' LIST ( ';' BOOLEAN )? Convert a list of class names to a list of paths.
toclassname ';' FILES Translate a list of relative file paths to class names. The files can either end with .class or .java
tolower STRING Turn a string into an lower case string
toupper STRING Turn a string into an uppercase string
trim ';' STRING Remove whitespace around the given string
tstamp ( ';' DATEFORMAT ( ';' TIMEZONE ( ';' LONG )? )? )? Create a timestamp based on a date format. Default format is "yyyyMMddHHmm"
unescape ( ';' STRING )* The concatenated input will have all \n, \r, \b, \f, and \t replaced with their control code.
uniq (';' LIST )* Concatenate the lists and then remove any duplicates.
uri ';' URI (';' URI)? Resolve a uri against a base uri.
user ';' KEY ( ';' DEFAULT )? A current user setting from the ~/.bnd/settings.json file
version MASK VERSION? Modify a version using a template. This is an alias to the versionmask macro.
versionmask MASK VERSION? Modify a version using a template
warning ( ';' STRING )* Raise an error consisting of all concatenated strings
workspace The absolute file path to the current workspace