The Bundle-ClassPath header defines a comma-separated list of JAR file path names or directories (inside the bundle) containing classes and resources. The full stop ('.' \u002E) specifies the root di- rectory of the bundle's JAR. The full stop is also the default
The Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment contains a comma-separated list of execution environ- ments that must be present on the OSGi framework. See Execution Environment on page 44. This header is deprecated.
The Bundle-SymbolicName header specifies a non-localizable name for this bundle. The bundle symbolic name together with a version must identify a unique bundle though it can be installed multiple times in a framework. The bundle symbolic name should be based on the reverse domain name convention, s
The Bundle-SymbolicName header specifies a non-localizable name for this bundle. The bundle symbolic name together with a version must identify a unique bundle though it can be installed multiple times in a framework. The bundle symbolic name should be based on the reverse domain name convention.
A Persistence Bundle is a bundle that contains the Meta-Persistence header. If this header is not present, then this specification does not apply and a JPA Provider should ignore the corresponding bundle.
The Require-Bundle header specifies that all exported packages from another bundle must be im- ported, effectively requiring the public interface of another bundle.