Tools bound to bnd
- Ant Plugin The plugin to build bnd artifacts with ant.
- Bnd Gradle Plugins The Bnd Gradle Plugins from the Bnd developers.
- Bnd Maven Plugins The Bnd Maven Plugins from the Bnd developers.
- Eclipse Bndtools The most famous of them all, the one and only Bndtools!
- Apache Felix Maven Bundle Plugin The Apache Felix Maven Bundle Plugin.
- Gradle Bundle Plugin A Gradle Plugin from Artyom Dmitriev.
- Gradle OSGi Plugin The Gradle OSGi Plugin that comes with Gradle.
- Mill OSGi Plugin A Mill Plugin to create OSGi Bundles.
- OSGi-Run Plugin A Gradle Plugin to create and run an OSGi runtime.
If you’re a developer of a tool that needs to be listed here, do not hesitate to submit a pull request at github.