Plugins are objects that can extend the functionality of bnd. They are called from inside bnd when a certain action should take place. For example, bnd uses a repository and plugins provide the actual repository implementations. Or for example, the SpringComponent analyzes the Spring files and adds references found in that XML to the imports.
A plugin is defined as:
PLUGIN ::= FQN ( ';' \<directive\|attribute\> )*
The following directive is defined for all plugin:
path: |
A path to the jar file that contains the plugin. The directory/jar at that location is placed on your classpath for that plugin. |
Tagging of repository plugins
Repository plugins are usually referenced in cnf/build.bnd
and implement the Tagged interface.
The tags
property of repositories’ configuration allows to add a comma separated list of tags to a repository. These tags will be used for filtering a list of repositories.
For example the -runrepos instruction in .bndrun
considers only those repositories for resolution which have either the resolve
tag or no tags
property defined. This allows including and excluding repositories based on their tags.
- Ant Workspace Plugin
- Ensures that when a new project is created it also has a build.xml for an ant build
- AspectJ Plugin
- Weave an executable JAR during compile time (experimental)
- Blueprint Plugin
- Analyzes JARs for blueprint files so that any class references are added to the imports
- Eclipse Plugin
- Will add .project and .classpath files to newly created projects
- FileRepo Plugin
- Provides a bnd repository stored on the local file system
- Git Workspace Plugin
- Ensures that certain directories have a gitignore
- Gradle Workspace Plugin
- Provides the proper setup for a project when it is used in gradle
- Java Persistence Architecture Plugin
- Analyses JPA persistence.xml files and adds any discovered class to the imported packages.
- Local Index Repo
- A Plugin for locally indexed repositories
- Maven Bnd Repository Plugin
- A plugin to use and release to Maven repositories
- OBR Index Exporter Plugin
- Exports OBR Index XML from a specific Bndrun file
- OSGi Repository
- A plugin to use OSGi repositories
- P2 Exporter
- An exporter to export features from a bnd build
- P2 Repository
- A plugin to use P2 repositories
- Bnd Pom Repository
- A plugin to use a Maven POM as a repository
- Signer Plugin
- Provides the capability to sign files
- Spring Plugin
- Analyzes spring files and adds any discovered classes to the imported packages.
- URL Basic Authentication Plugin
- Provides basic authentication to the bnd's URL Connector handling
- URL bnd Authentication Plugin
- Provides bnd authentication to the bnd's URL Connector handling
- URL HTTPS Verification Plugin
- Verfifies that an HTTPS connection can be trusted