The command line tool can be invoked in several different ways:
- bnd ‘‘general-options’’ ‘‘cmd’’ ‘‘cmd-options’’
- bnd ‘‘general-options’’ ‘‘
.jar'' - bnd ‘‘general-options’’ ‘‘
In this text bnd
is used as if it is a command line program. This should be set up as:
java -jar
General Options
!General Option | !Description | |||
-failok | Same as the property -failok. The current run will create a JAR file even if there were errors. | |||
-exceptions | Will print the exception when the software has ran into a bad exception and bails out. Normally only a message is printed. For debugging or diagnostic reasons, the exception stack trace can be very helpful. |
Main options
[ -f, --full ] - Do full
[ -p, --project <string> ] - Identify another project
[ -t, --test ] - Build for test
[ -o, --output <string> ] - Specify the output file path. The default is
output.jar in the current directory
page | Description | Class |
create | Create a JAR | |
baseline [options] <[newer jar]> <[older jar]> | Compare a newer bundle to a baselined bundle and provide versioning advice. | |
bash | Generate autocompletion file for bash | |
bnd | The swiss army tool for OSGi | |
bootstrap | Interactive gogo shell | |
bsn2url | From a set of bsns, create a list of urls if found in the repo | |
build [options] | Build a project. This will create the jars defined in the bnd.bnd and sub-builders. | |
buildx [options] | Build project, is deprecated but here for backward compatibility. If you use it, you should know how to use it so no more info is provided. | |
bump [options] <<major|minor|micro>> | Bumps the version of a project. Will take the current version and then increment with a major, minor, or micro increment. The default bump is minor. | |
changes [options] | Show the changes in this release of bnd | |
clean [options] ... | Clean a project | |
convert [options] <[from]> <[to]> | Converter to different formats | |
action [options] ... | Equivalent jar command c[v0mf] command (supports the jar tool's syntax). Will wrap the bundle unless --wrapnot is specified | |
debug [options] ... | Show a lot of info about the project you're in | |
defaults | ||
deliverables [options] | Show all deliverables from this workspace. with their current version and path. | |
diff [options] <[newer file]> <[older file]> | Compares two jars. Without specifying the JARs (and when there is a current project) the jars of this project are diffed against their baseline in the baseline repository, using the sub-builder's options (these can be overridden). If one JAR is given, the tree is shown. Otherwise 2 JARs must be specified and they are then compared to each other. | |
digest [options] <[file...]> | Digest a number of files | |
do [options] ... | Execute a file based on its extension. Supported extensions are bnd (build), bndrun (run), and jar (print) | |
eclipse pde [options] <[repo-dir]> <[...]> | Import PDE projects into a bnd workspace | |
eclipse [options] | Show info about the current directory's eclipse project | |
ees <[jar-file]...> | Show the Execution Environments of a JAR | |
exportreport <sub-cmd> [options] | Generate and export reports of a workspace, a project or of a Jar. | |
extract [options] ... | Extract files from a JAR file, equivalent jar command x[vf] (syntax supported) | |
find [options] <[file]...> | Go through the exports and/or imports and match the given exports/imports globs. If they match, print the file, package and version. | |
generate | Generate autocompletion file for bash | |
grep [options] <[pattern]> <[file]...> | Grep the manifest of bundles/jar files. | |
identity | ||
index [options] <[bundles]...> | Index bundles from the local file system | |
info [options] | Show key project variables | |
junit [options] <testclass[:method]...> | Test a project according to an OSGi test | |
macro [options] <[macro]> <[...]> | Show macro value. Macro can contain the { and } parentheses but it is also ok without. You can use the ':' instead of the ';' in a macro | |
maven ( 'settings' | 'bundle' | Special maven commands | |
package [options] <<bnd|bndrun>> <[...]> | Package a bnd or bndrun file into a single jar that executes with java -jar <>.jar. The JAR contains all dependencies, including the framework and the launcher. A profile can be specified which will be used to find properties. If a property is not found, a property with the name [<profile>]NAME will be looked up. This allows you to make different profiles for testing and runtime. | |
plugins [options] | Execute a Project action, or if no parms given, show information about the project | |
print [options] <[jar-file]...> | Provides detailed view of the bundle. It will analyze the bundle and then show its contents from different perspectives. If no options are specified, prints the manifest. | |
project [options] | Execute a Project action, or if no parms given, show information about the project | |
release [options] | Release this project | |
repo [options] <[sub-cmd]> ... | Access to the repositories. Provides a number of sub commands to manipulate the repository (see repo help) that provide access to the installed repos for the current project. | |
run [options] <[bndrun]> | Run a project in the OSGi launcher. If not bndrun is specified, the current project is used for the run specification | |
runtests [options] ... | Run OSGi tests and create report | |
schema [options] ... | Print out the packages from spec jars and check in which ees they appear. Very specific. For example, schema ee.j2se-1.6.0 ee.j2se-1.5.0 ee.j2ee-1.4.0 | |
select [options] <[jar-path]> <[...]> | Helps finding information in a set of JARs by filtering on manifest data and printing out selected information. | |
settings [options] <[key][=<[value]>]...> | Set bnd global variables. The key can be wildcarded. | |
shell [options] | Open a shell on a project, workspace, or plain bnd defaults and exercise commands and macros | |
source [options] <[jar path]> <[source path]> | Merge a binary jar with its sources. It is possible to specify source path | |
sync [options] | Execute a Project action, or if no parms given, show information about the project | |
syntax [options] <header|instruction> ... | Access the internal bnd database of keywords and options | |
test [options] <testclass[:method]...> | Test a project according to an OSGi test | |
type [options] ... | List files int a JAR file, equivalent jar command t[vf] (syntax supported) | |
verify <[jar path]> <[...]> | Verify jars | |
version [options] | Show version information about bnd | |
view [options] <[jar-file]>> <[resource]> <[...]> | View a resource from a JAR file. Manifest will be pretty printed and class files are shown disassembled. | |
wrap [options] <[jar-file]> <[...]> | Wrap a jar into a bundle. This is a poor man's facility to quickly turn a non-OSGi JAR into an OSGi bundle. It is usually better to write a bnd file and use the bnd <file>.bnd command because that has greater control. Even better is to wrap in bndtools. | |
xmlrepodiff [options] <newer XML resource repository> <older XML resource repository> | Compares two XML resource repositories | |
xref [options] <[jar path]> <[...]> | Show cross references for all classes in a set of jars. |