exportreport [options]
Generate and export reports of a workspace, a project or of a Jar.
Custom reports must first be configured in the project or the workspace with the -exportreport intruction and optionaly with the -reportconfig intruction. For an “external” Jar the reports can be configured directly with the command line (replacing the -exportreport
instruction), however if you need to fine tune the report the -reportconfig
has to be in a properties file.
For a general introduction of the feature you can look at the here.
exportreport <[sub-cmd]> [options]
Available sub-commands:
list - List the user defined reports.
export - Export the user defined reports.
jarexport - Export a custom report of a Jar.
readme - Export a set of readme files.
jarreadme - Export a readme file of a Jar
List the user defined reports absolute path which could be exported by the workpace and/or the projects. If this command is applied on a workspace, the command will also list reports of all the projects (except if you exclude them).
list [options]
[ -e, --exclude <string;> ] - Exclude files by pattern
[ -p, --project <string> ] - Identify another project
[ -v, --verbose ] - Prints more processing information
[ -w, --workspace <string> ] - Use the following workspace
Generate and export the user defined reports. If this command is applied on a workspace, the command will also export reports of all the projects (except if you exclude them).
export [options]
[ -e, --exclude <string;> ] - Exclude files by pattern
[ -p, --project <string> ] - Identify another project
[ -v, --verbose ] - Prints more processing information
[ -w, --workspace <string> ] - Use the following workspace
Jar Export
Generate and export a custom report of a Jar.
jarexport [options] <jar path> <output path>
[ -c, --configName <string> ] - A configuration name defined in the property
file (check -reportconfig documentation), if not
set a default configuration will be used.
[ -l, --locale <string> ] - A locale (language-COUNTRY-variant) used to
localized the report data.
[ -p, --parameters <string;> ] - A list of parameters that will be provided
to the transformation process if any.
[ -P, --properties <string> ] - Path to a property file
[ -t, --template <string> ] - Path or URL to a template file used to
transform the generated report (twig or xslt).
[ -T, --templateType <string> ] - The template type (aka template file
extension), must be set if it could not be guess
from the template file name.
Create an XML
report of a Jar:
$ bnd exportreport jarexport ./m2/.../my.bundle.jar ./my-report.xml
Create a JSON
report of a Jar:
$ bnd exportreport jarexport ./m2/.../my.bundle.jar ./my-report.json
Generate a web page from a Jar. Here, we specify the template type because the URL is ambiguous and a locale to get data in French:
$ bnd exportreport jarexport --locale fr-FR --template https://..../templates/56z5f --templateType xslt ./m2/.../my.bundle.jar ./webpage.html
Generate and export a set of readme files. If this command is applied on a workspace, the command will also export readme files for each projects (except if you exclude them).
readme [options]
[ -e, --exclude <string;> ] - Exclude files by pattern
[ -p, --project <string> ] - Identify another project
[ -v, --verbose ] - Prints more processing information
[ -w, --workspace <string> ] - Use the following workspace
Template can be parametrized with system properties starting with ‘bnd.reporter.*’. See here for a complete list of parameters.
Jar Readme
Generate and export a readme file of a Jar.
jarreadme <jar path> <output path>
Template can be parametrized with system properties starting with ‘bnd.reporter.*’. See here for a complete list of parameters.