select [options] <[jar-path]> <[...]>
Helps finding information in a set of JARs by filtering on manifest data and printing out selected information.
[ -h, --header <string>* ] - A manifest header to print or: path, name, size,
length, modified for information about the file,
wildcards are allowed to print multiple headers.
[ -k, --key ] - Print the key before the value
[ -n, --name ] - Print the file name before the value
[ -p, --path ] - Print the file path before the value
[ -w, --where <string> ] - A simple assertion on a manifest header (e.g.
Bundle-Version=1.0.1) or an OSGi filter that is
asserted on all manifest headers. Comparisons
are case insensitive. The key 'resources' holds
the pathnames of all resources and can also be
asserted to check for the presence of a header.
biz.aQute.bnd (master)$ bnd select -h name generated/*.jar
biz.aQute.bnd (master)$ bnd select -h size generated/*.jar