-runnoreferences BOOLEAN
On non-Windows machines, the more efficient reference:
URLs are used by default - use -runnoreferences: true
to override this. On Windows this instruction is ignored - reference:
URLs are never used due to Windows being more obstinate about open files.
private LauncherConstants getConstants(Collection<String> runbundles, boolean exported) throws Exception, FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
project.trace("preparing the aQute launcher plugin");
LauncherConstants lc = new LauncherConstants();
lc.noreferences = Processor.isTrue(project.getProperty(Constants.RUNNOREFERENCES));
lc.runProperties = getRunProperties();
lc.storageDir = getStorageDir();
lc.keep = isKeep();
lc.trace = getTrace();
Bundle install(File f) throws Exception {
BundleContext context = systemBundle.getBundleContext();
try {
String reference;
if (isWindows() || parms.noreferences) {
trace("no reference: url %s", parms.noreferences);
reference = f.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
} else
reference = "reference:" + f.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
Bundle b = context.installBundle(reference);
if (b.getLastModified() < f.lastModified()) {
return b;
catch (BundleException e) {
trace("failed reference, will try to install %s with input stream", f.getAbsolutePath());
String reference = f.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
try {
return context.installBundle(reference, in);
finally {